
I am mom anna (+256776693091) email..[batengagombe@gmail.com] I am a gifted powerful spell caster, voodoo spells, black magic, psychic, traditional doctor, herbalist healer, spiritual white witch , wiccan spells, spell chanter, sangoma, witch doctor and a love spell caster, I do love portion, love charm, I have been helping people with different problems for the last 40 yrs and trust me i am very good at what i am doing. I am good when it comes to the following; men who can't perform in bed please come for my “mulondo”herb and in just one week you will be a tiger in bed.am good when it comes to love spell casting so dont run after her/him every day when am here,my work is 100% guaranteed and you will see your lover back in 24hrs. Are you selfish like me and you want him/her to be your self? Don't look further i am your solution dear. Court cases and prison related problems can be stopped by me anna. I am very good when it comes to money spell come and I show you how to get money and retain it for ever. thieves who have become a problem to you please come and I deliver them to you day light. Hunting for jobs without luck look for mom Anna. You want to become small size or big size i am your solution dear. Bums and hips enlargement come and you also look fantastic like your friends. Do you want to stop divorce or want quick divorce here i am. When it comes to love spells that's my middle name because i can fix all broken marriages and lost love for you. Believe me you might have visited all the best gynecologists and surgeons without a solution for getting pregnant but you try me once and you shall have a good story to tell.why always you with bad luck?just knock on my door and see what comes next. Mama anna as best known on zulu country can be contacted on +256776693091 you can call or watsapp me or email me at [batengagombe@gmail.com]and we deliver worldwide.



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 WHATSAPP/CALL ON:  +256765871446 Papa Phillipa
Email: professorpapaphillipa@gmail.com
Web: https://powerfull-traditional-healer-speacialist-professor-papa-phili.webnode.page/contact/



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CALL OR WHATSAPP ON: +256765871446 Papa Phillipa
Email: professorpapaphillipa@gmail.com
Web: https://powerfull-traditional-healer-speacialist-professor-papa-phili.webnode.page/contact/




Greetings, mama kamau a native name i hold. +277'875'752'34 [alibanimubona1976@gmail.com] am a masai woman, a native hakika mganga & love spell caster and herbalist, a traditional healer, the only sangoma, spell chanter, witch doctor. Spells, Wiccan spells, spells of magic, witch craft love spells. I cast spells of love, bring back your ex, cleanse you from all bad luck and curses and protection, cancel ongoing court cases and divorce, stop your husband / wife from cheating. I chase away bad spirits and demons plus home cleansing. Financial problems and restoring back lost happiness. I have a special herb for women who have failed to get pregnant and any man who can't perform in bed come for size increase. If you have lost your husband / wife you must see me for proper cleaning. Just mention the name of the person you admire or have a crash on and I immediately bring him / her to you. Come for my special muthi before going for interviews or when you need promotion. All unfinished jobs by other healers just give me a try “am the great one”. I have herbal medicine for sick children, sick elderly with joint pains and sore bodies. I do deliveries worldwide door to door at a cheapest cost. Call or whatsapp on [+277.8757.5234] or email me at alibanimubona1976@gmail.com to please avoid scammers, fake healers. Asante.
